BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Configuring the export settings

The settings in the Export section are used by the GCF export processors. This section contains the settings described in the following table:

Export settings
Setting Description


Format of the briefcase files created by the GCF: RAR, ZIP or BRC. The default is BRC.

Note    Only the BRC format is supported by GCF/SharePoint.


When set to 0 or omitted, only errors and high-level events are logged to the log file. When set to -1, detailed events are logged that can be useful for troubleshooting.


The path to the folder containing the log files generated by the export processor.

Note    This folder must exist or be created manually.


The path to the folder where outgoing briefcases are created.

Note    This folder must exist or be created manually.


When set to False the transfer processor is cleared and transfers work as in older versions of GCF. The default value is True, so it can be omitted. This is for backward compatibility only.

Note    This should be set to False when the collaborating sites share the same GCF computer, including use with GCF/SharePoint.

Following is an example of the settings in the Settings section:

OutPath = "D:\GCF\Out\Collaboration1" 
LogPathOut = "D:\GCF\Log\Collaboration1" 
FullLog = False 
BrcFormat = brc 

Related concepts

Understanding GCF briefcases

Related tasks

Configuring the Meridian Enterprise processors

Configuring the general settings

Configuring the import settings

Importing the briefcase settings

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